Genshin Impact Enemies Guide

In the vast world of Genshin Impact, it’s no wonder that anyone would be overwhelmed with the number of creatures in the game. Whether they are human factions, mystical beasts, or automated machines, you will come across numerous entities that will pose a threat to you throughout your journey in the World of Teyvat.

Though most of the beings will not appear to be a threat to you at first, you will feel the ground rumbling when you approach them. For example, take up the slimes in the world, you will see that they are all cute and bubbly, but the moment you go near them, they will try to squish you.

That’s what we are going to talk about in this Genshin Impact Enemies guide. Not particularly Slimes, but all the entities that pose a threat to you in the overworld and try to hurt you when you approach their vicinity.

Whether they are automated machines surveying an area or some rogue samurais practicing in the dark, I will cover all of them in an organized manner and give my short remarks so that you can easily understand them.

Without further ado, let’s go over the Enemies that you will encounter in the game and get an overview of them. 

Enemies, A Short Intro

Just a few minutes into the game, you will come across some slimes on which you have to test your abilities after obtaining your Anemo powers. Slimes are the enemies that you will face early in the game. In a nutshell, you can categorize enemies as entities that try to attack you.

Depending on their role in the game, these enemies can be as simple as Slimes or tough like world bosses. Not only will you encounter elemental lifeforms in the game that will see you as a threat, but humans will try to hurt you for their own benefit.

There are plenty of enemies in the game just with three nations into the game, but I speculate the more we progress, the more enemies will come into the game.

I presume that we will have all elemental forms of enemies first. Then as the game progresses, unique enemies will be featured in the game. As you will hop from one area to another, you will also come across enemies that are limited to that area and not found in other parts.

Enemy Types

Let’s go over the various types of enemies you will encounter in the game. I’ve tried to consolidate them under meaningful categories. Feel free to find unique enemies on your own and put them on your list. Without any delay, let’s jump straight into them and go over my remarks to make things easier to understand.

Elemental Entities


slimes genshin

Slimes are one of the most common enemies in Genshin Impact and feature all types of elements. These slimes possess elemental abilities and deal elemental damage to your active character.

Many daily quests will require you to defeat these enemies for commission tasks, and you can easily collect their drop materials.


Pyro Fungi
Pyro Fungi in-game. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

Various fungal enemies are in the game; some belong to certain elements. Dendro, Electro, Cryo, Pyro, Anemo, or Grounded shrooms will be all Sumeru, and you can defend easily against them. The key difference between these enemies and others is their activated states. Dealing Electro or Pyro attacks at first will put these enemies in Activated or Scorched stats that can yield unique rewards to you. I’m sure you will be able to defeat these enemies quite easily as they possess only basic intelligence.

Eye of the Storm

Eye of the Storm

Eye of the storm is an elemental entity, one of which you will face in the Time and Wind quest. They are rare in the overworld to find, but you will deal with some of them in daily commissions.

They entrap the player into a high wind zone and deal Anemo damage to the player. With a variety of attacks in its arsenal, it’s better to subdue it before the combat becomes more fierce.



Hypostasis are available in every different elemental type. Usually, they require players to equip characters that can counter their element.

They are resistant to their own element and require you to tackle them in numerous phases. You will usually farm them for character ascension material and it costs 40 original resin to claim the rewards from their leylines.



Specters were introduced in the game in the Inazuma region and are one of the most annoying enemies in the game. They cannot be crowd controlled even with Venti’s elemental burst and try to attack players from a range. Not only that, they come in elemental varieties that are resistant to certain elements.



Oceanid is a world boss that will drop character ascension material for certain characters. It will cost you 40 original resin to claim the rewards from its leyline, and it has varying attack patterns that you have to counter.

It will summon Hydro mimics that will try to deal damage to you, and you have to deal damage to them to weaken the Oceanid. You cannot directly damage it, so you must face its various phases.

Thunder Manifestation

Thunder Manifestation

The Electro counterpart of the Oceanid, this time it will deal Electro damage to your characters and require you to dodge its severe attacks.

Thunder manifestation will drop character ascension material that is good to ascend characters like Kujou Sara and the Raiden Shogun. I’d recommend you to take a shield character to counter the incoming damage.

Jadeplume Terrorshroom

Jadeplume Terrorshroom
Jadeplume Terrorshroom. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

The mini-boss is located at the Vissudha field, where you can unlock the nearby teleport point by going through a wormhole. Terrorshroom is the lord of fungal beasts, fungi, and their kin who lives in the heart of the woods and features a phase change on activation. The boss accumulates activation when you trigger Electro or Catalyze reactions and becomes more fierce in its attacks until it’s exhausted. Although it may look terrifying initially, the boss is fairly easy to deal with, and you only need to pass the damage check to slay it quickly.


The Fatui



Skirmishers are the Fatui’s foot soldiers that you will encounter in many places in the overworld and come in unique elements. They deal elemental damage to your characters, and some of them possess elemental shields that will make them resistant to certain elements.

Usually, you will see them in the spiral abyss where you have to clear a group of them to progress. The best tip would be to group them together and deal massive area-wide damage to one-shot them. I would say they are relatively easy to counter enemies and not worry much about them.



Agents are a unique enemy as they have camouflage abilities in their kit, and once they are through their phases, they will initiate burst attacks on your characters.

But worry not, they are susceptible to crowd control attacks, and you can easily group them to immobilize them. Characters like Sucrose or Venti are fantastic when you are dealing with lightweight enemies.

Cicin Mages

Cicin Mages

There are currently two types of Cicin mages in the game, Electro, and Cryo. As the name suggests, they have Electro and Cryo abilities that will deal elemental damage to your characters.

They also summon flying creatures to supplement their attacks which will try to interrupt you in the combat and go into a shield phase after a while. You should try to subdue them before they can summon their shield, as you have to deal opposing elemental damage to break that shield.

Mirror Maiden

Mirror Maiden

Mirror Maidens have Hydro abilities and will deal elemental damage to your character. Her powers allow her to capture you in one place, mark you and lock your character for damage. She is vulnerable to crowd control, but you have to initiate the attack before she can mark you so that she gets grouped up in one place.

Personally, whenever she’s on the field with other characters, I try to finish her the first because Hydro application on characters is a risky thing to have. Your character becomes vulnerable to stun-lock if the Electro element is applied when you have a Hydro element already.

The Abyss Order

Abyss Mages

Abyss Mages

Abyss mages also come in various elements and sometimes possess their respective elements’ aura. They will have their elemental shields on them, and their attacks will apply the element to your character. On top of that, they have the ability to teleport to your location and ambush you in a group attack.

The best thing to counter them is to hug them so that you can move them to your desired location and avoid their incoming attacks. Just pay attention to their attack patterns, and you can easily defeat them.

Shadowy Husks

Shadowy Husks

They were recently introduced in the game and happen to belong to an ancient nation. These enemies are fierce in their attacks and rare to find.

Not only are they rare to find, but they are also located in tricky locations that may be challenging for new players. I must say that their drops are rare in the game, and not a lot of items use their drops. So, that’s a bit of relief there.

Abyss Heralds and Lectors

Abyss Heralds and Lectors

One of the most annoying enemies in the game. Heralds and Lectors have attack patterns that can affect your ability cool down and elemental burst energy. These enemies are challenging to deal with because you have to break down their shields with opposing elements and consistently dodge their attacks.

Once you are caught in their attacks, you will face a stagger and increase in cooldown time in case of Heralds and energy depletion by Lectors. In combat, they are the enemies you should prioritize, as they can pose a significant threat to your characters.



Rifthounds are wolf-like creatures that you will encounter in the overworld and have elemental powers. The twist is that they can apply corrosion status to your characters that will passively drain your character’s health.

You need to have a good healer like Bennett, Kokomi, or Qiqi who can heal you in dire situations. Try to position yourself whenever you are facing Rifthounds because they can instantly teleport to ambush you.

Golden Wolflord

Golden Wolflord

The Golden Wolflord is a world boss in the game that requires you to defeat it to claim the rewards for character ascension material. Just like other world bosses like Oceanid or Thunder manifestation, players farm this boss to ascend their characters, and it features the similar corrosion mechanic that the Rifthounds possess.

Golden Wolflord has its own mechanics that you need to be wary of, and I’ll recommend you to have one Geo character like Ningguang to break its shield effectively.

Hilichurl Types



Common enemies you will encounter in the game feature various elements. Hilichurls are usually enemies that you will fight once in a while and are easy to defeat unless you fight with the more potent types.

We have an exciting guide on Hilichurls where we have discussed their various types, and I recommend you to go through it.



Mitachurls are hilichurls that evolved after a span of time and are more fierce in their attack patterns. They usually are in a group with hilichurls and don’t hesitate to come charging at you.

We have an exciting guide about them where we briefly discussed them and covered their unique types. Feel free to check it out on our site and learn more about them.



Lawachurls also come under the Hilichurl family and usually are more aggressive in their nature with area-wide attacks. I would say they are the kind of enemies you should pay attention to because they can cover a significant distance with a jump.

Not only do they have raw power in their kit, but they possess elemental damage that can severely injure your characters. I would say you should be a bit cautious when facing them.



These are annoying little hilichurls that come in various elements and have the ability to summon constructs, heal other characters or put obstacles on the field. Though most of them are easy to deal with, you should pay attention to Hydro samachurls because they can heal other enemies, requiring you to re-initiate the combat.


Maguu Kenki

Maguu Kenki

Maguu kenki is a mini-boss that you can slay for character ascension material. Technically, it is a machine-like entity with a giant katana for slashing attacks; even being one of them on the battlefield is a pain to deal with.

Maguu kenki in a spiral abyss chamber is enough on its own to obliterate your whole team and change its attack patterns according to your characters. Its attacks are brutal and deal a ton of damage that not even the tankiest shield can counter sometimes.

Perpetual Mechanical Array

Perpetual Mechanical Array

Perpetual Mechanical array is another mini-boss that you can defeat to claim character ascension material for your characters for 40 original resin. Usually, as you are fighting it, it will go into a variety of battle phases and summon ruin sentinels to assist it.

Once they are summoned to the battlefield, you have to defeat their main sentinel to remove the shield from the central cube. It is also an annoying enemy in the spiral abyss that comes at the last floors.

Ruin Sentinels

Ruin Sentinels

They are small machines that usually roam around in groups in the overworld and often go underground to conceal their presence.

Once they go under the ground, they will appear near you and physically damage your character. You can shut these down temporarily to deal damage to them and counter their attacks with shields.

Ruin Machine

Ruin Machine

Ruin hunters, guards, and graders will deal massive amounts of damage to your characters with their attacks. You should pay utmost attention to these enemies and have characters to counter them.

They have weak spots that you can attack with bow characters, and I highly recommend you to have one in your team while facing them. Once you shut these machines temporarily, go all out to finish their health bar and claim their drops.

Ruin Drakes

Ruin Drake
Phew, that was close! Ruin Drake. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

I hate them because they are tanky and annoying. Ruin Drake: Earthguard and Ruin Drake: Skywatch are introduced in Sumeru which mimics the appearance of Vishaps. These ruin machines can boost their Elemental resistance to the previous type of Elemental damage they suffer and can release an outburst of energy during the battle. But like other ruin machines, you can attack Ruin drakes’ on their weak spots to immobilize them and unleash as much damage as possible.

Trounce Domain Bosses



Stormterror or Dvalin is a weekly boss that you have to defeat for character ascension material and talent ascension material. When you are facing Stormterror, you may have to move between the platform, and the fight happens with your camera moving further away from you.

You have to counter its attacks and dodge them so that you can break its shield health, and it will fall down to the platforms. After that, you will get a window to deal as much damage as possible, and if your characters are invested enough, you can easily defeat it in one go.

Dominator of Wolves, Lupus Boreas( Andrius)

Dominator of Wolves, Lupus Boreas( Andrius)

A weekly boss in Wolvendom that you have to defeat before it goes into severe phases. The key to defeating Andrius is to use characters that can deal with single target damage like Fischl, Xinqiu, or Hu Tao, as they can melt down its health.

Though you can use area damage characters, the wolf boss is agile, and sometimes you may miss the chance to land a proper hit.



Childe became a world boss after a Golden house quest where he faces off against the Traveler. He was a demanding boss who nearly obliterated my whole team when I first went against him.

Players must remember that he has three different phases where he transforms and uses his delusion to power up himself. Childe is a boss against whom you have to pay attention; otherwise, be ready to face severe and brutal attacks.



Azhdaha is a world boss against whom you have to practice Dodging and timing attacks because it has a ton of battle phases. The being can control elements and feature elemental attacks that really start to deplete your health if you don’t have better healers in your team.

I’ll recommend you to have burst damage dealers in your team if you are facing him in a solo mode.

La Signora

La Signora

La Signora is a weekly boss that has two phases; one Cryo and the other Pyro. After you deal with her Cryo phase, where you will face Sheer cold status similar to the one you face in Dragonspine, her Pyro phase will initiate.

In her Pyro phase, the status will be replaced by a Pyro status bar where you have to keep your characters’ temperature in check. Fighting her is reasonably easy in comparison to other characters before she starts to change her stances aggressively.

Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto

Magatsu Mitake Narukami no Mikoto

A boss you should pay full attention to because her attacks can one-shot your entire team if you aren’t careful. While fighting this weekly boss, you should have apt energy recharge on your squad as her attacks will deplete your character’s energy.

Though you will be able to generate energy particles once she gets into a shield phase, chances are her prior attacks may wipe out a character or two. Unless your characters are solid in nature, I won’t recommend you to take her in solo mode.

Magical Beasts



Whopperflowers come in various elements with their own elemental attack patterns. Most of the time, their attacks will stagger you and annoy you on the battlefield. Personally, I try to group them up with Sucrose or Venti’s skills and deal a massive damage attack in one rotation.



You will usually see these creatures along with Cicin mages, and though they look small in nature, they have high agility and can dodge your attacks. It’s better to use area-wide attacks on them that have a higher chance of hitting them and avoid single-target attacks.

Bathysmal Vishaps

Bathysmal Vishaps

Bathysmal Vishaps are annoying creatures to deal with because of their elemental abilities. They can apply Cryo, Hydro, or Electro to your characters. If you are affected by Hydro, then your elemental skill cooldown will be increased, whereas Cryo will increase your stamina consumption rate.

In the case of the Electro variant, your elemental burst energy will deplete, and you have to redo the rotation to recharge your characters’ elemental bursts. I would say they are among the formidable enemies that you have to deal with in the game.



Geovishaps come in numerous types, including Geovishap hatchlings. They really evolve like Pokemon and become stronger as their hierarchy goes on.

You will face Primo Geovishaps, Geovishap hatchlings, and normal Geovishaps that come in various elemental infusion forms. Some of them are more fierce than others and stagger you in combat. I would suggest you avoid their incoming attacks and time your attacks on them.

See also: Comprehensive Primo Geovishap Guide.




You will come across Pyro and Cryo regisvines that have corollas with elemental shields. Though they might look dangerous for early game players, once you start to level up your characters, they will feel pretty easy to deal with.

They come under the world boss category, where they drop character ascension material that you can claim for 40 original resin from their leylines.

They are also featured on floor 8 of the spiral abyss, where you have to fight each of them in separate chambers. I would suggest you go through our spiral abyss guide to know more about enemies in the spiral abyss.

Other Human Factions

Treasure Hoarders

Treasure Hoarders

Treasure Hoarders are a group of enemies that aren’t as organized as the Fatui are. They usually consist of petty criminals, rogue bandits, and thieves. Like hilichurls, you will see them in a lot of areas in the world, and dealing with them isn’t a big deal.

Though some of them are tough in combat, you can still easily defeat them. We have a treasure hoarders guide on our site, and I will recommend you to go through it to know the types of Treasure hoarders in the game.

Rogue Samurais

Rogue Samurais

Enemies like Nobushis, Kairagis, and other rogue samurais usually wander the lands of Inazuma, and you will find them a bit challenging to deal with. They have a variety of attack patterns, and Kairagis can one-shot your characters if you aren’t able to dodge their attacks on time.

While you can still get away from them in the overworld, you have to face them in the spiral abyss. With infusion stones in effect, they will be resistant to some elements, and you have to use opposite elements to debuff them.


Eremites in-game. Photo by Himanshu Verkiya.

They are a group of mercenaries that are spread all over the region and possess a division of elite Eremite enemies. You will notice them at their camps sitting by the fire or dancing, but as you approach them, they will be hostile and eventually lead to a clash. Eremite elites like Desert clearwater, Sunfrost, or Daythunder will enter an infused state that will boost their combat potential; however, once this state ends, they will be vulnerable in their weakened state.

Event Enemies

Now there are some events like the Legend of the Vagabond event where you will face event-exclusive enemies who will have ranging difficulties. Usually, there are events that you can participate in co-op or solo mode and adjust the enemy’s difficulty, perks and abilities according to you.

These event-exclusive enemies are limited to the events only, but sometimes they may be featured in the spiral abyss. For example, Maguu Kenki: Galloping frost was featured in some spiral abyss chambers with two other Maguu Kenki variants, and it was tough to clear through those chambers.

Usually, these enemies are specifically designed for the events, and it’s unlikely that you will face all of them in the overworld. But make sure to go through settings before diving straight into the combat because you may run into trouble if you haven’t precisely observed your character’s potential.

Genshin Enemies Questions

Question: Who was One of the most Challenging Enemies You Faced During an Event?

Answer: My characters were under-leveled in many instances, and I had to restart fights a few times. But I remember one event, Legend of the Vagabond, that shattered my pride in my characters.

Here’s how it went. I had got Zhongli and crowned his elemental skill and elemental burst. Now the players who have Zhongli know how strong his shield and potency are in the fight.
I was ready to initiate a challenge where I had to face three Maguu Kenki where one was a standard variant, one was a cryo, and the last one was anemo. The challenge just started, and all of a sudden, all three of them went into a slash frenzy mode.

I had no time to react, and they slashed my Zhongli like a game of fruit ninja. I thought I could take them on a greater difficulty but I couldn’t even tank the damage, let alone fight them.
I still remember it crystal clear and told my friend to complete the challenges for me. That event scarred me, and since then, I’m paranoid about new events with varying levels of difficulty. I mean, co-op for the win! At least I won’t be the only one suffering.

Question: Do You Recommend Doing Trounce Domain Bosses?

Answer: I highly recommend you do these bosses as they are once-in-a-week opportunities. They will help you to get talent materials and billets, and if you are free to play player, then you know the importance of that.

You can use them to forge craftable weapons or refine them and increase your characters’ damage potential. The key takeaway is not to miss these world bosses and claim as many rewards as possible.

Question: What are Your Tips for Event Bosses?

Answer: One word. Co-op. No joke, but I recommend you to co-op with other players because most of the player base is free to play, and not everyone has all characters or weapons. Some lucky players have got better drops, and if they end up in a co-op with you, the challenges may be more straightforward.

I remember doing co-op in some events, and I have my Bennett maxed out. So, usually, I let others take on damage or support roles, and I focus on team buffs and healing. Dividing the work among teammates helps you coordinate well with them and efficiently tackle the task. I don’t think that this is a full-proof technique because sometimes we all got one-shotted by an event boss and have to try again.

There were times when only one player remained, and the rest of us were watching from the sidelines. But, in a way, it’s fun to do co-op events and have fun with randoms for some time, and who knows, you might find an in-game friend.

Enemies Remarks

Throughout your journey in Genshin Impact, you will come across plenty of unique enemies. Although they may seem cute like Anemo slimes or Fungi, believe me, they’re not.

While these enemies are not too dangerous, there are world bosses that have the power to obliterate your whole team. Enemies like Childe can summon massive Hydro whales that can cover a vast area and one-shot your character if caught in the act.

But this doesn’t mean that they will always overpower you. The solution to counter formidable enemies is to build your characters or invite some friends to help you.

Co-op is a fantastic way to take help from other players in the game and work towards a collective goal. Not only do you get to know other players, but you learn strategies and teamwork.

The time has come to wrap up this guide, and I hope you got to know about the exquisite enemies in the game. Don’t worry much about them because once your characters are adequately invested, you can take on any enemy in the game.

Feel free to hop onto other guides on our site, and I hope to see you in another guide!

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